Ladies of Leet Featured,Podcast Episode 13 – The Fourth Lady of L33t

Episode 13 – The Fourth Lady of L33t

In this weeks episode of LoL we have a very special guest joining us….Turpster! As fair warning this episode, while not explicit, it might be a little more edging than some of you are use too. In addition, for those that know Turpster, sometimes you just can’t contain his awesomeness in just an hour. So this episode is double the fun clocking in at almost 2 hours! We hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed recording! We discuss Heavy Rain, Bioshock 2, Starcraft II, Borderlands expansion & Dante’s Inferno.

Thank you Buxley for the fun StarCraft 2 intro to the show! For even more funny Buxley clips go to Ask Buxley or listen to The Instance for his segment!

Gaming News/Buzz
Fat PS3’s are not happy as a bug in the system not to connect to PSN. Seems poor timing for the Mashable PS3 vs Xbox survey
Joystiq reports Walter Day retires from Twin Galaxies If your not sure who Walter Day is check out the documentary The King of Kong. Great movie!
Red Dead Redemption is encouraging pre-ordering by listing the difference incentives each store is offering. Love it!
A new Xbox Live Arcade game recently came out called The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom. This is an XBox 360 live game only and we would love to hear feedback from people on it because it looks like a blast!

WoW Talk
Our friends over at Doghouse Systems put up a fun post showing The Wonderful World of WoW
Lunar Festival is finally over! Thank goodness. Hands down one our least favorite holidays in the game.
Stephanie & Kim got there Wind Rider plushie and flying noncombat pet. These are the cutest thing EVAH!!!

Game Release Highlights
Calling for Wii – coming out on 3/9/10 – genre: Action Adventure
Assassins Creed II for PC – coming out on 3/9/2010 – genre: Adventure – Pre-Purchase today via Steam and get 3 bonus maps!
Sushi Go Round! for Wii and DS – coming out on 3/16/2010 – genre: Time Management
God of War III for PS3 – coming out 3/16/2010 – genre: Action Adventure

Bargain Buys & iPhone games
Save on selected Xbox 360 accessories in March & April
The super cute puzzle game Toki Tori is on sale at Steam for $2.49
Direct2Drive is offering 50% Mac games until March 11th. Best bets Sims3 and DragonsAge:Origins
New “Price is Right 2010” for iPhone/iTouch. Limited time $2.99 – updated version of original. More of the game show games, better animations, don’t have to wait for other contestants to spin the wheel. A great improvement and overall a good game!
Assassins Creed II: Multiplayer for iPhone/iTouch is Free at the moment. Seems they have been having issues with the servers, but download it now to play later!

Meet us at Nerdtacular on May 8th in Salt Lake City! Also give us a call on our new voicemail line at 623-252-GAME.

Big thanks again to Turpster for joining us this week, don’t forget you can follow Turpster on Twitter and check out his podcast’s Giant Enemy Crab, The Movielicious & The Incredible Podcast!


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One thought on “Episode 13 – The Fourth Lady of L33t”

  1. Hey Ladies,

    (can not read that with thinking of the Beastie Boys)

    Listened to your show last night. And I enjoyed it a fair amount. Honestly anything with Mark Turpin in it is bound to be enjoyable as he is very quick and talented. However, that should not outshine the work that you all do weekly to make a great show.

    I do have a couple of points I would like to bring up about your assessment of your of Heavy Rain.

    I think that playing the game thru, but stopping to replay a scene that didnt turn out the way you felt it should in this game is wrong. The game itself is built on the premise that the choices that you make have a real and effecting consequence, and removing that takes the heart out of the experience, and does a disservice to intent of the game.

    That said, I can understand that desire to do that as we have all reloaded many save points to get a better outcome to the over all and end game play. But quelling that desire and doing the best you can with what you have made for yourself makes the game more visceral, and ultimately more satisfying. My first play thru I received a pretty bleak ending indeed, but i understood that it was my choices that had brought that about.

    This was the first time that my choices actually had an real effect on the story and game play. The idea of moral choice in most games is pretty much to choose between good and evil, for example the KOTOR series or more reticently a game like inFamous. But regardless of the choices the story remained the same, and really all the differed was, in the case of inFamous, my lightening was now red, when before it was blue.

    The game is far from perfect. Calling this game a rental is a fair personal assessment, but I felt it was necessary to buy the game. And I have no regrets for that. I think that this game is very much something that we will see the effects of in other games for many years to come, and therefore owning a copy of this to me is likened to my owning a copy of Shadow of the Colossus. I think the game will be that influential.

    Love the good work you guys do.


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