In this week’s episode we are discussing Singularity, Puzzle Agent, Playstation Plus and all the wonderful games we got from the awesome Steam sale!
Nicole decided to try out Playstation Plus
Our sister podcast Final Score from the FrogPants Network has created a Final Score Steam Group & all the ladies are part of the group! Join the group and play with other fans of the shows & even us!
We’ve talked about The Guild in the past, but did you know that Felicia recently released 3 awesome prequel comics to the show?
Gaming News
Here’s your chance to become a video game tester & become a reality show star (sort of)! The Tester Season 2 Casting Call will close on July 17
New DLC for RDR will be release starting in August.
What to Girls want out of games? Gaming Angels take on the survey
Nicole will be at ComicCon & will be doing some stuff with Final Score. Here are just some of the panels on games
WoW Talk
The video of the girlfriend that deleted a guys toon that made me want to cry if it actually happened.
Bargain Buys!
Puzzle Agent on both PC & Mac is $8.99 from Steam
Ton of games on sale at Kmart! Singularity & Alan Wake is only 34.99!! till July 17
Game Release Highlights
DeathSpank for PSN & Xbox Live – genre: RPG – Released July 13, 2010
Also check out StickyLife and use the discount code LADIESOFLEET for 25% off your entire order!
Don’t forget if you want to enter the Video Game Music Quiz Contest to enter to win a copy of the PC version of Borderlands. You need to send an email to contest @ and include the answers to the 3 video games that were played during the show. The answers to quiz and the winner will be announced on the next episode of Ladies of Leet! Good Luck!!!
Give us a call on our voicemail line at 623-252-4263!
Follow Ladies of Leet on twitter! Nicole at nicolespag, Kim at randysmolly & Stephanie at xiaxian1.
Ladies of Leet is proud to be part of the Frogpants Network! For more exciting shows like Final Score & Comics Coast to Coast, visit!!!!
I have to completely back up your emailer’s opinion about the Thief trilogy – still WAY up the list of best game series EVER, by the late lamented Looking Glass Studios.
If you’re a fan of horror games it’s a MUST as they contain some of the creepiest freakin’ levels in any game (‘Return to the Haunted Cathedral’ in the first game and ‘The Cradle’ in the third). And the overall atmosphere (a dark, opressive city with a mix of steampunk and medieval architecture) is something that hasn’t been duplicated since, to the best of my knowledge.
If anyone wants to grab it, your best bet is the “Thief: The Complete Collection” pack as it contains all three games, set up to work on XP machines (in theory) AND it contains the very rare GOLD edition of the first game with an extra three (superb)maps.
small update – here’s a link to a 6 page PC Gamer UK article about the previously mentioned level in Thief 3 “The Cradle” (warning MASSIVE spoilers, the level basically gets dissected piece by piece)
If that can’t convince you to give it a shot then nothing will :D
Of particular note, the last two pages are spoiler free and have an interview with the level designer, one Jordan Thomas – who you may know as the creator of Fort Frolic in Bioshock and later the director of Bioshock 2.