Ladies of Leet Featured,Podcast Episode 6 – Stuffed with Turkey & Brains!

Episode 6 – Stuffed with Turkey & Brains!

In this episode of LoL we talk about the expansion Zombieland for Borderlands, Left 4 Dead 2, New Super Mario Bro Wii, Nicole tries another attempt at playing Dragons Age, Murder She Wrote, Dire Grove and Cake Mania: Main Street. The holiday also calls for some fun board & card games including; In a Pickle, War, Chutes and Ladders, Texas Hold’em and War.

In the news and rumors
Nintendo claims 80% of female console market
Is PSN looking to charge a premium membership for PSN?
And at the same time Sony announces they will be launching online content distribution on their network connected devices

In WTH news
Man marries his video game girlfriend
Video Games Make Awesome Unemployment Gifts

Bargain Buys
This weeks deal comes from a LoL listener, Ralff. He recommends Luxor Adventures and if you buy through MSN games it comes with Luxor 3 free with purchase!

Atari has released a new version of their website with tons of old school games to play for free!

Also don’t forget to sign up with either our Ning community or facebook page. We are going to be having some giveaways soon and will be using our community pages to pick a winner!


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