Ladies of Leet Blog,Featured,Podcast Ladies of Leet Ep 108: Fart Frequency

Ladies of Leet Ep 108: Fart Frequency

This week the ladies are playing South Park: The Stick of Truth, Ep 5 of The Wolf Among Us, Outlast, Monument Valley (iOS), This Means War (iOS), Hellraid: The Escape (iOS), Yahtzee Adventures (iOS) & Highborn (iOS). Stay to the very end for spoiler talk about the entire Wolf Among Us series!


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We are streaming live every Friday at 4pm MNT!!! For all the info on how to listen from your phone or join the IRC #frogpants chatroom, head over to our live page. Big, big thanks goes to Alpha Geek Radio for adding us to the live stream!

iOS & bargain buy games
Monument Valley – $1.99: beautiful puzzle game based on Escher style buildings and stairs. Simple music. Journey-like feel. (iOS & GooglePlay)

Hellraid: The Escape – $2.99 – A new dungeon escape/puzzler. Amazingly rendered and detailed but not for older devices!

This Means War – Free

Highborn – 99 cents

Yahtzee Adventure – 99 cents
Clueless Gamer playing Outlast

Here’s Turpster play through of South Park: Stick of Truth

Pre Order Destiny and get into the beta on July 17.

The Cake Is a Lie: Sexism Isn’t a Boss Gamer Girls Can Beat

Contact Us!
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If you want to submit a bumper to the Ladies, make sure it’s 10 seconds or less and either email it to us or use the recording tab on the right hand side of the website!

Looking for a sweet LoL shirt? Head over to slashloot and get yours today!!!

Or if you are looking for an amazing gaming machine, head on over to Doghouse Systems and use the code “LADIES” and you’ll get double memory with your order! You can combine it with code “NERDTACULAR” and also get free shipping!

Where to find the Ladies!

Follow Ladies of Leet on twitter! Nicole at nicolespag, Kim at JustKimolly & Stephanie at xiaxian1. Ladies of Leet is proud part of the FrogPants Megafeed and Geek Girl Authority!

3 thoughts on “Ladies of Leet Ep 108: Fart Frequency”

  1. Hi Ladies,

    Regarding the tale of the girl with the ribbon around her neck, I recall either hearing or reading a version of the story when I was around eight to ten years old (I’m roughly Kim’s age). It’s one of my favorite “scary” stories as the woman is an enigma to her husband and the ribbon itself becomes an obsession for him. Even in the end, after he’s pulled the ribbon from her neck and her head has come off, we still no next to nothing about her. Very creepy.

    Always enjoy the show. Your insights are a refreshing change from the largely “bro”-centric podcasts that dominate the market. Keep up the great work.


  2. Hi Ladies!

    I was surprised when I started playing thelatest episode “fart frequency”, but what plays is an older episode “Boob collection”.

    I’m using Pocketcast on Androd and its subscribe feature
    Show notes and titles all look good

    1. Hey Ronny, There was some weird stuff going on in the feed when it was posted, but from what I can test, the correct episode should be playing now. Thanks for letting us know!

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