This week the ladies are discussing Fallout 4, Rise of Tomb Raider, Skyrim, Dishonored 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, Mass Effect Andromeda and a few mobile games!
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This episode is dedicated to our dear friend and Guild leader Ralff. Rest in Piece. We love you.
Nicole: Fallout 4, Rise of Tomb Raider, Parapper Rapper 2, Batman – Arkham Underworld (iOS), Silent Age (iOS & PC) & Life is Strange
Kim: Fallout 4, Skyrim – PS4 with mods, Best Fiends Forever (iOS) & Fran Bow
Stephanie: finished Dishonored 2, half way through Horizon Zero Dawn, Mass Effect Andromeda
Release date for RDR2! September 2017
Destiny 2 rumored to be released September 8th 2017
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Follow Ladies of Leet on twitter! Nicole at nicolespag, Kim at JustKimmiAnn & Stephanie at xiaxian1.
Welcome back ladies, missed you! My commute just got so much better.