Ladies of Leet Featured,Podcast LoL – Ep 41 – Mateo is in da House!

LoL – Ep 41 – Mateo is in da House!

This week the ladies discuss Uncharted 3 and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Thanks to all our entries for our contest for a free copy of the newly released Batman: Arkham City on the PC. Our winner is Marte with the entry:

“Batman gadget i want Ofc shark spray. or batgirl dont think she counts as a gadget but anyway.”

with an honorable mention going to Steven M with his entry of:

“Whatever Batman uses to summon a cloud of bats at will.

Because if abusing a handful of endangered rabies-riddled airborne rodents for personal defence (and lulz) is wrong…I don’t want to be ri…OH GOD THEY’RE IN MY HAIR! GETTEMOFF GETTEMOF….

*transmission lost*”

Bargain Buys/Iphone game
Burger Bustle from Big Fish Games – time management again :)
Was $3.99 for a limited time

Oregon Trail: American Settler – free
They took the revamp of Oregon Trail and allow you to settle down, grow crops, hunt, fish, visit neighboring villages ala Farmville

My favorite site has an iphone/iPad app to let you keep track of all the Black Friday ads

Follow Ladies of Leet on twitter! Nicole at nicolespag, Kim at JustKimolly & Stephanie at xiaxian1.  And you can find Ralff at Ralffie

Download Direct

2 thoughts on “LoL – Ep 41 – Mateo is in da House!”

  1. Email away! As requested. Cheers :)

    Small tip for Skyrim – you should follow the main quest at least as far as fighting your first dragon, as I think that’s what unlocks both your SHOUT ability and random dragon attacks throughout the world.

    Random dragon attacks are FUN.

    Anyhoo…back to Skyrim. 93 hours playtime and I’ve STILL got two pages worth of quests needing completed :O

  2. I agree with Steven. Do the first few quests for the Jarl of Whiterun to get invited to the see the graybeards. Shouts and Dragon are unlocked at that point.

    On another note. As much fun as the pirate stuff was Uncharted 3 was, did any of you think it was too long and had almost no plot advancement. Seemed to me like it was there to show off the new water tech. That’s not a bad thing but four chapters seemed a bit excessive.

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