In this episode the ladies discuss Borderlands 2, Little Big Planet (Vita), Bastion (iOS), The Room (iOS), Guild Wars 2, Torchlight 2 & Mist of Pandaria.
Borderlands 1 intro theme (with cool Cowboy Beebop footage)
Borderlands 2 intro theme
Great post on easter eggs in Borderlands 2 & Q&A with Gearbox’s CEO
Final Verdict
Borderlands 2: Nicole, Kim & Stephanie – Buy
Bastion: Nicole & Kim – Buy
Bargain Buys – Humble Bundle 6 is out and you only have a couple of days left to pay what you want for some awesome indie games & soundtracks
This episodes bumper is from Tabletop to Laptop. Check them out!
If you want to submit a bumper to the Ladies, make sure it’s 10 seconds or less and either email it to us or use the recording tab on the right hand side of the website!
Where to find the Ladies!
Follow Ladies of Leet on twitter! Nicole at nicolespag, Kim at JustKimolly & Stephanie at xiaxian1. Ladies of Leet is part of the FrogPants Megafeed and can be found at!