This week the ladies discuss The Wolf Among Us Chapter 2, Assassins Creed: Black Flag, Assassins Creed: Liberation, Borderlands 2: Valentine DLC, Dead Island Riptide, Guacamelee, Doki Doki Universe and more! Stay tuned to the end of the podcast if you’d like to hear our spoilers on the 2nd Chapter of The Wolf Among Us!
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We are streaming live every Thursday at 4pm MNT!!! For all the info on how to listen from your phone or join the IRC #frogpants chatroom, head over to our live page. Big, big thanks goes to Alpha Geek Radio for adding us to the live stream & because of all the new shows (like CordKillers & Daily Tech News), Alpha Geek is expanding and needs your help! You can support the Indigogo campaign here!
Interested in joining the FrogPants server for RUST? Head over to the Final Score Steam Community page for all the server details.
iOS & bargain buy games
Trip Trap – 99 cents
Hidden Objects Mystery Crime – Free
Threes – $1.99
Mateo’s App of the Week: This segment has been retired, however if you liked Mateo’s App of the Week, check out the new FrogPants show NerdParents for lots of app recommendations for kids!
EA is being a butthead with Plants vs Zombies 2
Valentine’s event has started in WoW
Found out about the rare vendor on TI in WoW that sells pet biscuits! And managed to catch him and buy some.
Thanks Seb for the pick of your awesome hammer in Pocket Mine (show off ;)
Games for Patrick’s 5 year old niece featuring female characters she can play
Lego Star Wars on Xbox
Lego Marvel on Xbox
Rayman Origins on Xbox
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams Xbox Marketplace
Giana Sisters on DS
Animal Crossing on DS
Contact Us!
Join us over in our steam community! You can also follow us on Facebook
If you want to submit a bumper to the Ladies, make sure it’s 10 seconds or less and either email it to us or use the recording tab on the right hand side of the website!
Looking for a sweet LoL shirt? Head over to slashloot and get yours today!!!
Or if you are looking for an amazing gaming machine, head on over to Doghouse Systems and use the code “LADIES” and you’ll get double memory and a free shirt with your order!
Where to find the Ladies!
Follow Ladies of Leet on twitter! Nicole at nicolespag, Kim at JustKimolly & Stephanie at xiaxian1. Ladies of Leet is part of the FrogPants Megafeed and can be found at!