This week the ladies discuss Burial at Sea Part 2, Elder Scrolls Online, Goat Simulator, Infamous: Second Son and Bioshock spoiler zone at the end!
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The ladies will be at Nerdtacular 2014 and tickets are on sale now! Head over to for all the information on date, location and to buy tickets!
iOS & bargain buy games
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So just how bad are the stats on Steam and how do you fit? Purchased vs Played vs Finished
Amazon Fire TV has games
The Wolf Among Us: Episode 3 – ‘A Crooked Mile’
Playstation Plus Free Games for April
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Or if you are looking for an amazing gaming machine, head on over to Doghouse Systems and use the code “LADIES” and you’ll get double memory and a free shirt with your order!
Where to find the Ladies!
Follow Ladies of Leet on twitter! Nicole at nicolespag, Kim at JustKimolly & Stephanie at xiaxian1. Ladies of Leet is part of the FrogPants Megafeed and can be found at!