Ladies of Leet Featured,Podcast LoL – Episode 24 – StarCraft 2 Stress

LoL – Episode 24 – StarCraft 2 Stress

In this week’s episode we are discussing StarCraft 2, Kane & Lynch 2, Rachet & Clank: A Crack In Time and a new iPhone game from listener CeeCee.

StarCraft2 – Nicole, Stephanie: Buy It; Kim technically bought it for her husband but in the end Skips It
Rachet & Clank: A Crack In Time – Nicole: Rent It

StarCraft2 Articles for Noobs –10 Noob tips , Learning your hotkeys and 10 reasons why StarCraft 2 will completely take over your life.

Gaming News
From the New York Times Play Foldit and help science!

Thanks Starman for the awesome classic video game iPhone wallpapers!

We talk about why female heroes were dropped from a game at Activision.

RDR first pay DLC is releasing Aug 10th called Legends & Killers! No new CO-OP in this DLC (which is what I’m playing lately) – it’s all multiplayer additions including Escalera town fighting and Tall Trees snowy area. Repentance Rock showcases the new weapon, the tomahawk which allows you to stay hidden on the map while you take down an opponent.

Bargain Buys!
A wonderful puzzle adventure game called Machinarium is 75% off till Aug 12 ($5!!!) Get it!

Kindle now has a game center with 2 free word games

Listener CeeCee sent in an iphone/ipad recommendation called Arachnophilia, you play as a spider building a web to catch bugs.

Steph downloaded HighbornHD for the ipad. It’s a turn based game with a lot of the humor of Deathspank. Very clean graphics. $2.99 during initial release.

WoW Talk
Not much news in WoW this week, but we discuss how to keep the game fresh while waiting for the expansion.

Game Release Highlights
Scott Pilgrim vs The World for PSN & Xbox Live – genre: Beat ’em Up – Released Aug 10, 2010
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light – genre: Adventure – Released Aug 18, 2010

Video Game Quiz!
The answer for last weeks video game quiz was Batman: Arkham Asylum and our winner of the VIP DUCO Beta Key is Chris! Congrats Chris!!!

Interested in learning video game programming? Check out Dr. Mike’s Game Summer School

Nicole, Kim & Stephanie will be giving out LoL stickers (thanks StickyLife!) at DragonCon in September, but if you can’t make it, you can also buy them at Nicole & Marc’s store they set up for their other site The Wood Whisperer. Check outStickyLife if you are looking to get your very own awesome stickers made. Use the discount code LADIESOFLEET and you will get 25% off your entire order!

Be a Part of the Show!

Give us a call on our voicemail line at 623-252-4263 or send us a mp3!

Follow Ladies of Leet on twitter! Nicole at nicolespag, Kim at randysmolly & Stephanie at xiaxian1.

Ladies of Leet is proud to be part of the Frogpants Network! For more exciting shows like Final Score & Comics Coast to Coast, visit!!!!


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One thought on “LoL – Episode 24 – StarCraft 2 Stress”

  1. I love you for reviewing this game!! I think you just barely touched the surface of the starcraft universe though! You should try the multiplayer modes desert strike, the thing, tower defense, RPGs…. etc. These are all fan made gameplay modes. It’s an endless replay value. You could probably play this game for the rest of your life because people keep inventing new modes. This is why starcraft has been played for 13 years I think. I don’t know if all these modes have been made for starcraft 2 yet though. Please do more podcasts about starcraft! This is the first episode I heard and I was lucky that you reviewed my favorite game. Thank you! :)

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