This week we discuss the release of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm! We also recapped the year and discussed some of our favorite (and not so favorite) games of the year. Here is just an idea of all the games we reviewed this year: Highborn, Kane and Lynch, Kirby – Epic Yarn, Civilization 5, Tropico 3, Silent Hill – Shattered Memories, Call of Duty – Modern Warfare, Call of Duty – Black Ops, Torchlight, World of Goo, Borderlands DLCs, Darksiders, Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2, Heavy Rain, God of War 3 Depict, Phoenix Wright – Miles Edgeworth, Angry Birds, Red Dead Redemption and all the DLCs, Alan Wake, Puzzle Quest 2, Puzzle Agent, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, Amnesia, Death Spank, Medal of Honor, Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, MAG, Just Cause 2, Prison Break, PB Winterbottom, Nier, Dead Rising 2, Star Craft 2 & Mafia 2.
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm – Nicole, Kim & Stephanie: Buy It
Also to celebrate the release of Cataclysm we had listener Paul donate 2 of the new pets to 2 lucky listeners! Thanks so much Paul, you are the best! So if you are interested in winning either the Mookin Hatchling Pet or Lil Ragnaros Charity pet, all you have to do is comment on this post and tell us your favorite part of Cataclysm so far. We’ll pick the winner randomly from the comments on January 6th! Good luck and thanks again to Paul for donating the pets!!!!!
MapHook Contest: Speaking of contests congrats to our MapHook Winner: iKrissi for her hook from World of Warcraft. Her prize was any game (up to $60) and a Ladies of Leet t-shirt!
Don’t worry if you didn’t win this time we just announced another contest with MapHook! This time we are picking the best story over the holiday season. You will have until January 5th to create a story with all of your hooks over the holiday season. Just sign up for your free MapHook account and create a hook of your best gaming & holiday moments and make sure the tag LOLGOW somewhere in the description or details (so we can find your story). We will be picking our favorite from all the entries tagged with LOLGOW on January 9th. The winner will get a free game of their choice (up to $60) & a Ladies of Leet T-shirt! Come on and enter! How often is it that easy to win a free game with awesome odds? :)
Bargain Buys!
It’s HumbleBundle Time! 5 great games and you pick the price
Onlive Viewer just came out with their iPad app. No credit card needed, must have awesome bandwidth to use
Gaming News
Uncharted 3 Announced for 2011
DCUO – Beta on Playstation live today for Playstation Plus members
Alan Wake named Time’s game of the year
Read Dead Redemption won Spike’s VGA’s game of the year
Be a Part of the Show!
Give us a call on our voicemail line at 623-252-4263 or email us a mp3!
Also don’t forget to check out the new Ladies of Leet Store! We have new t-shirts & stickers and you can get them here!
Follow Ladies of Leet on twitter! Nicole at nicolespag, Kim at randysmolly & Stephanie at xiaxian1.
Ladies of Leet is proud to be part of the Frogpants Network! For more exciting shows like Final Score & Comics Coast to Coast, visit!!!!
So far, my favorite part by far has been Mt. Hyjal. I don’t know that I have felt more like a legendary hero or that I was doing something epic as I did once I finished questing in that zone. I am so hoping that Uldum or Twilight Highlands live up to it!
My favorite part of Cataclysm thus far has been the goblins and their starting area. I love the way Blizzard is implementing phasing and vehicles to make the usually-boring process of starting a new character a lot of fun! I started a goblin the moment the expansion was released and he is now level 32. The racial abilities are extremely useful and I find their play style intriguing. I do like the new questing zones from 80-85, but for me the Goblins take the cake.
My favorite part of the new expansion are the revamped old zones. I’ve never been so excited about leveling another toon. Seeing the same content since Beta from 1-60 really discouraged me from leveling another character. Now, since the whole world has changed, it’s made everything awesome.
So far the thing I am enjoying the most about Cataclysm is questing in Vashj’ir. The underwater effects and the way things move in that zone are awesome.
My favorite part of Cataclysm has been the auction house. I have had very limited play time due to my job. Being able to log on and mine for just and hour then turn around and sell the ore on the AH for hugh ammounts of gold has gotten me enough gold to buy a mechano-hog. Love it! Now it’s time to quest and level.
My favorite part is not a zone or a quest, but more than anything to see all the old guildies coming back again. Together with my friends, that I have missed, I am really enjoying all the new content.
I love your show!
My favorite thing so far in Cataclysm is the new and updated starting zones. I created a goblin and a worgen and am really enjoying their quests and starting zones. I also went back and rolled a human character and liked the changes they made to that starting zone. Another great thing about Cataclysm is that is has rekindled my interest as playing as an Alliance character just to see what has changed.
Love the show and take care
My favorite part of Cataclysm was to see my xp bar again, if only to quickly remove it from UI upon reaching level 85. Also it’s really fun to dive into new battlegrounds, for new experiences.
Love the show!
You, of Dawnbringer.
My favorite part of Cata has been leveling my worgen rogue through all the redesigned zones. The combination of a new class (I’ve never played a rogue), the new quests, and changed environments is just awesome! I just reached outlands so I’m especially looking forward to powering through to 80 so I can get to all the brand new Cata zones.
Keep the great shows coming!
My favorite part of Cataclysm is probably Deathwing randomly flying around and killing people. He doesn’t do it all the time and is not as annoying as the zombie plague, but is a cool little feature to show that your doom could be looming over your head at any moment.
Great show!
Xancelot- Lvl 85 Human Paladin on Llane.
My favorite part of Cataclysm by far has been the Worgen starting zone. I have read all of the lore (in my spare time at school, shh!). Not to spoil much, but it’s just soo addicting and exciting. I wanted to change my main to a worgen but it’s 25 bucks, which is too much for somthing so small. I’ve started a Worgen warlock, because i think warlocks fit the race well :D and im loving the new zones and everything possible. He is currently level 18 in Redridge mountains, and I look foreward to much much more running wild!
Love the show.
Austen Fenn
Zes Of Undermine.
My favorite part of Ka-tackle-ism is the new races and their starting areas. It’s just a lot of fun to jump in and roll a new character that is fresh and exciting. I just wish I had more time to play!
Hello Ladies! I love love love listening to LoL! You’re all tres fabulous.
My fave part of Cata so far is the Worgen starting zone. I can’t help it…I just love the art, the look and the feel of the area, the roses and black birds and gothic feeling I get there.
Love you! =D
*big hugs*
I gotta say my favorite part of Cata is Archaeology, ive never had fun leveling professions and this one is actually pretty good!! Love the show gals….stay classy
Belgarian-85 Worgen rogue
My favorite part of Cataclysm is the new dungeons, especially heroics. Have to work as a team and healing is fun.
My favorite part of cata so far wad the grimtotem quest string in thousand needles. I started a worgen Druid and am loving the new old zones
My fav part of cataclysm are the new hunter pets!
My favorite part of any blizzard expansion is the return of old friends. Besides that- the worgen art style is pretty amazing.
My favourite part of Cata is how all the new 80-85 zones, and even the new Goblin and Worgen zones tell their own story. Leading you through the zone step by step and finishing with something epic at the end.
It’s kind of hard to say my favorite part of Cataclysm I guess, since I wasn’t and am not anywhere near really being able to do any of the new content. I actually haven’t even bought it yet so I can’t try the new races or anything. Does it count if I say the continuing story/lore is my favorite part so far? I love learning more about the people and places inhabiting the world (of Warcraft :P)
Great show! This was my first time listening to LoL, but I’ve been a big fan of movielicious (or the more aptly named movielickus) and recently of the Final Score so my expectations were set pretty high, and boy did you ladies blow them away. From the great recap of WoW lore, to the run down of all of the amazing games and duds of 2010 this show was fantastic! Thanks for the fun I can’t wait to listen to all the older shows! As far as my favorite part of Cataclysm, sadly my schedule hasn’t permitted me to play it yet, but I love, love, love all the new concept art. Have a happy Holiday Ladies! Thanks for keeping me company while I work!
Your newest Ladies of Leet Minion,
~ Casey
Hello leet ladies,
the best part of Cataclysm has got to be flying in the old “new” world!
My favorite thing about cataclysm has to be the whole new art styles and landscape updates! I adore questing on my own and looking around, plus Stormwind looks BEAUTIFUL.
Cataclysm made WoW look pretty-er ;D
My favourite part of Cataclysm so far has been all the level 80-85 quests that include taking around a companion of some sort eg little Pebble. I’m a huge fan of all the pets (both campanions and hunter pets) and am on my way to collecting all the new ones.
Hi Ladies. First time listener and I really enjoyed your podcast. So far, my favorite part of Cataclysm has been Blackrock Caverns and the Throne of Tides 5 man intstances. I have been slowly leveling with 5 RL friends. Our plan is to hit every instance and then at 85 go back and hit all of the heroics. I LOVE that it appears crowd control is needed!
My favorite part of Cataclysm is the guild achievements. It increases the cohesiveness of the active players as we strive to reach a common goal that will benefit everyone. My biggest grind is to kill the 50k bugs go get the new pet armadillo (35k to go…).