This week we discuss LBP2, Minecraft, Rift, Dead Space 2 & more!
Little Big Planet 2 (LBP2): Nicole/Kim/Stephanie – All say Buy It
Dead Space 2: Stephanie – Buy It
Thanks to everyone that created an entry in last episodes contest. We got a lot of really creative entries that you can view here and congrats to Kreitz for his winning entry LOL DCUO: SnowPac rises .
How to enter the MapHook Contest!
Our good friends at MapHook have partnered with us again to create a fun contest. We would like you to go to either or download the app to your iphone/ipod and create a Hook using the category Video Gaming & tell us about your idea for a great Little Big Planet 2 costume, custom level or minigame. You have until March 5th, 2011 to get your entry in and the winner will be chosen at random and win a game of their choosing (up to $60 value)! Please be sure to have the word LBP2 or LoL in the title so the entry can be found. Good luck!!
Bargain Buys!
Zombie Cafe for iPhone/iPad (free!)
Today I Die Again – iPhone 99 cents
Assassins Creed 2: Brotherhood is $34.99 at
Pre Order Killzone 3 get $20 from amazon plus 3 MP credits
Gaming News
Felicia Day breathes fire into ‘Dragon Age’ series: a fantasy action adventure in the new series Dragon Age: Redemption staring Felicia Day as Tallis, an Elven assassin on a quest to capture a rogue magician in the land of Ferelden.
A new Smithsonian Exhibit called The Art of Video Games will explore 40 years of video games. The exhibit will be located on 3rd floor North, American Art Museum between March 16, 2012 – September 30, 2012. To vote on the video games go to
Minecraft announced for Ipad/iPhone
No Multiplayer for Batman Arkham City
Love Is in the Air… and in This New Blizzard Comic
We say hello to 2 new cohosts on The Instance podcast
Be a Part of the Show!
Give us a call on our voicemail line at 623-252-4263 or email us a mp3!
Also don’t forget to check out the new Ladies of Leet Store! We have new t-shirts & stickers and you can get them here!
Follow Ladies of Leet on twitter! Nicole at nicolespag, Kim at JustKimolly & Stephanie at xiaxian1.
Ladies of Leet is proud to be part of the Frogpants Network! For more exciting shows like Final Score & Comics Coast to Coast, visit!!!!
This LBP2 contest sounds like a lot of fun. Can’t wait to see what people come up with.
Another great episode.
Thanks ladies! :)